Big Magic

Happy new year to one, and all!  Looking forward to the start of a new year, by  reading, "Big Magic", by Elizabeth Gilbert.  Hoping your 2016, will be filled with the big magic, of creativity!  May all of your creative dreams come true.

Friday, December 11, 2015

A Make Over

A slight change in a painting, that was posted on Nov. 22nd. Sometimes changing, some tiny  part of the painting, can make a big difference. Can you see what has been changed?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Holiday Giving!

Needing an idea for a special gift?  Small paintings, for the person who has everything! There is always room for a special, tiny oil, all framed, and ready to hang, or place on a shelf.  Impress your special someone, with a one of a kind, original painting, selected, just for them. Paintings, now, ready for holiday giving, at The Collector, Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, Studio Gallery, and Valley Art!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Studio Gallery, SF, "Tiny", and "Huge", on exhibit through Dec.23rd!

Thank you,  Studio Gallery,  Jennifer, and Rab, for a great reception, beautiful exhibit, and lots of gorgeous art!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Four Talls, at Studio Gallery

One more, for the "Tiny" , exhibit, at Studio Gallery, in SF.  Hope to see you at the reception, Nov. 15th, 1 to 6!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Coming Up, "Tiny", at Studio Gallery, SF

This one, "Happy Thursday",  and more, are on their way to the "Tiny", exhibit at Studio Gallery, in San Francisco. The exhibit, dates are, Nov 12 to Dec. 24!  Would love to see you at the upcoming reception, Nov. 15th, 1 to 6!

Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, Dedicated to Design, Reception

Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery's , current exhibit,  Dedicated to Design, now on view until the end of the month.  A good time was had by all, attending the reception on the 21st.  Jennifer made this exhibit extra special, by organizing seminars, led by talented designers, and experts, sharing ideas on how to make your home, more beautiful.  So happy to have my, 30 X 30, painting, Early Afternoon, on display. A wonderful reception attended my the designers, and artists!, Shown above,  me , with very talented textile designer, Jennifer Sampou.  Below, I am standing with Jennifer, again, and the very talented artist, Deborah Ashley.  More details shown on the JPG, website.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, Dedicated 2 Design!

The Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery's, new exhibit, Dedicated 2 Design, is now up, and on view!  Stop by to see my work, and the work of lots more talented artists, along with special events, and design seminars!  Not to be missed!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ending Soon, at The Collector! Up until Oct 1st!

                    Still Time, don't miss the current exhibit at The Collector!  On display, until, Oct 1!

Friday, September 25, 2015

More Distraction

                           Distracting myself, again!  Having fun, creating some little abstracts!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, Now on View!


Just a few paintings, among lots more gorgeous work, by some of the bay area's most well known local artists, now at Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery!  Hurry over, before the current exhibit comes down!  Stay tuned, new show coming up, beginning early October! Can hardly wait!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Friday Night at the Collector

Friday night, at the The Collector Art Shop!  Thank you, to Christina, and Skye, talented owners of The Collector,  and to all! So wonderful being part of the The Collector Art Shop, in Jack London Square.  So appreciate seeing everyone, who came out to enjoy the exhibit! Here, I am with my ever supportive, Mr Wonderful!

Above, wonderful Christina, of The Collector!  Below, beautiful, Julia O'Reilly, the talented jewelry designer!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Little Distraction

Distracting myself, with a little abstracting. A new painting, layered on an old landscape.  The old landscape is still visible, if you look closely.  Still working on several large paintings, that seem to take a long time. Stay tuned, for the big ones.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Bluegrass Music

This new painting, and lots more, will be on exhibit at, The Collector Art Shop,  in Jack London Square, starting in Sept.
Would love to see you at the reception, Sept. 4th, 6 to 9!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Morning

Another, not previously posted, painting, from several months ago!   Life has been beyond busy, and
feeling happy to finally start catching up!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Later on Monday

I have been so busy working on larger paintings, that are still in progress.  I decided that I would post some overlooked, tiny ones, from a few months ago! More to come!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Chow Restaurant, Danville

Now on display at Chow Restaurant, Danville, this painting, and more!  Solo exhibit, up through August, 2015!  Stop by,  for dinner out, and enjoy the art!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Sotheby's, in Partnership, with Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery!

A big thank you to all who came to the recent reception at Sotheby's , in Lafayette. Julia O'Reilly, with her fine jewelry, and I, loved being there!  A huge thank you to Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery,  for making this all happen! 


                                 More California Hills, 12 X 12, oil on panel, framed.

Jennifer Perlmutter, the driving force, behind Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery!

                    Julia O'Reilly, the talented jewelry designer , of Julia O'Reilly Fine jewelry!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

April Afternoon 1, Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery

This painting,  and more can be seen at the Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, in Lafayette.  Be sure and stop by, if you are in the area! Lots more beautiful work on display!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Rain is Coming

Goodness knows we need it,  the rain, that is!  CA is experiencing a major drought!  The good news is that rain is not just coming, it is here!  Thankful, for blessings, of all kinds!!  Huge gratitude!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Reception Today! Sotheby's and Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery!

Don't miss event!  I'll be there, along with, the very talented  Julia O'Reilly, and her fine jewelry collection, and the always creative, and gracious, Jennifer Perlmutter!  Place, and time, Sotheby's RE,  3725 Mt Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, 2:30 to 4:30, presented in partnership with Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery!  Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, now on display!

Don't miss the exciting summer exhibit at Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery!  Jennifer's gorgeous gallery, is now exhibiting the summer group show, with beautiful art by a selection of very talented local artists. Thank you, Jennifer for including me! Thrilled to be part of this exhibit.  The Summer Group Show, at JPG, is now on view,  through the rest the summer.