Monday, December 22, 2008

Side by Side, Version Two

Here are the persimmons, again, this time with the turquoise background. I love the orange with this color. I was hoping to do more with the persimmons. After sitting in the sunny window, they now look like giant orange raisins. Oh, well. Perhaps this is the final persimmon painting for now. This painting was done last week and am just now posting it.
Things have been very uncertain around here. Brian has now been in the hospital for three nights and we are still waiting for the final word on what is wrong with him. He was finally admitted after two trips to ER last week. Christmas has been put on hold for the moment, until we know more. Working on this blog has been a short escape in the midst of chaos!

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Nancy,
    Just want to send my best wishes for you and Brian. I hope whatever the problem is, it will quickly resolve. I hope you will be able to celebrate a Merry Christmas and a Healthy New year. I am loving the paintings!

