Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One and a Half

It's great to get back to painting. I was sidelined with some kind of hideous virus for about a week, and not up to painting. Yesterday, was my first day back. It was a small challenge to get restarted , but so much fun! I really enjoyed these kiwi. The green color inside is so beautiful! Not only was I enjoying the visual aspect, I was also eating them. Kiwi are a very healthy fruit, loaded with vitamin C, great for the immune system. I did several of these kiwi paintings, some of which I will not post, they were that bad. I will post some of better ones later on.
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  1. I love the color of the kiwi! I'm sorry you were sick - I wondered why you weren't painting! At least you didn't end up in the hospital! Sometimes a break in painting brings a fresh perspective. And doing a series of them always brings growth. Let's see some of the others!

  2. I was just wondering about you today! Glad you are back, feeling better and painting beautifully!

  3. Nancy, Good to see your work again. It is tough sometimes to start back up isn't it? Just have fun and the rest will follow! Easier to say than do sometimes.
    I got my blog together. Check it out. It is under dianehwhite.
