Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Apart, then Together

The last of the sushi paintings for now. I think it's time to move on to something else. This painting seems to be more abstract, which is exactly what Kelley mentioned about an earlier post. She said that when painting the same subject over and over again, the image will get increasingly more abstracted. This sure happened with the sushi!
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  1. I've loved your sushi paintings. They look happy, like you had fun painting them.

  2. I'm not a sushi eater, but you make me think twice about it! They look luscious. And they're filled with energy. This will be a nice series, hung together.

  3. yes, they are becoming fabulous blocks of color... so interesting how that happens. They are all really fun.

  4. Hi Nancy,
    Only squares eat that Sushi,lol.
    Good painting.

  5. hey lady!
    i saw some of your sushi in person today at the show change... love it! i think a few of the artists had to leave and go have sushi for lunch after seeing them!

    happy sunday!

  6. I love this series!
    Because of it, you've been awarded the "Fabulous Blog Award"! You can get the skinny at my blog.
