Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wonderful to be Back, Again

It's so wonderful to get back to painting. After two weeks of not painting, it's like starting all over again, very challenging. This is my first ever attempt at watermelon. I probably should have tried something that I was a little more familiar with. Oh well, we will forge onward. Stay tuned for more watermelon paintings!Posted by Picasa


  1. Love it. My husband loves watermelon so I can't wait to show him. Nice to see you painting again. I need to post my recent pastel - enjoy your summer. It's over 100 here.

  2. Nancy, Welcome back. Great first painting after two weeks.

  3. it's scary how quickly we 'rust'! Great job, Nancy and thanks for your visit and comments on my blog!

  4. OH, I love the chunky solidity of these slices! Do more, you'll like it!
