Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Art Talks At Knoxx, Aug 12, 2009

On Aug. 12th, The Lafayette Gallery, together with Knoxx Restaurant, will be hosting "Art Talks at Knoxx". Maggie Lucas-Hill coordinates this ongoing series of three salon evenings, featuring artists from The Lafayette Gallery. On Aug. 12th, I will be one of the participating artists. I am very excited about this, and am hoping to see lots of familiar faces. This should be very fun and very informative! Debby Koonce and Pat Hayashi, both very talented artists, will also be speaking at this event. If you are in the area, please come on August 12th , from 4:30 to 6:30. There will be a no host bar, with complimentary appetizers, generously provided by Knoxx Restaurant.

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