Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More Secrets

Still working for a less finished, looser look. I remember being told in some long ago art class, that the mind likes to see something slightly unfinished, so that the rest can be left to the imagination. The idea is that the viewer is drawn into the painting to contemplate what isn't there. Who knows?
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  1. I like the looseness and the warm yellow coming through.

  2. I love the texture and the freshness of this painting. One can see oranges in the generic all the time, but a *painting* of oranges holds so much more and less information. A painting is a special case of 'oranges'. :) I suppose that is an obscure statement.

  3. Great design with the oranges in the upper part of the composition. Love the squareness of them, too.

  4. I love the graphic simplicity in your works.

  5. The texture on this one is great, Nancy. I love the 'confidential' way they are positioned, too. That IS a beautiful yellow...
