Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday's Class

Friday was one more class with Carol Tarzier. She is such a wonderful instructor. Each class begins with a demo of Carol painting a landscape, from a photograph. After her demo, everyone paints the same landscape, using the same photo. So simple, but such a great way to learn. Never having done landscape painting, this class has been wonderful for me. I feel that I have learned so much, already. Carol also gives a short lecture in the beginning of class, based on ideas from the book, Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting, by John F. Carlson. This is all new information for me, even though this book has a original copyright date of 1929. Some ideas remain timeless!
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  1. Fascinating. I love landscapes and what beautiful job you have done right off the bat. Also love the color palette. Can't wait to see more! Your exhibit of your pear series is also stunning!!! Congrats.

  2. Beautiful, Nancy - the colors are stunning. The painting makes me want to escape into it!

  3. I absolutely love this color study! It is great!! You really got the idea of simplifying the shapes.

  4. Nancy I would love to hear about what pointers you took away from this class. Hope to catch up sometime soon!
