Sunday, October 4, 2009

Three Reds

My friend Kathy asked me if I ever did Red Bartlett Pears. The answer is, yes, I do, and here they are. Another quick pear painting, done yesterday, thinking about Kathy. This was done quickly because we are leaving today for La Jolla, and won't be back until Wed. A short trip to attend a conference with Brian. I'll be on my own, looking at galleries and the sights, while Brian is attending the conference. More to come after we return.
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  1. This is STUNNING!!! They glow. I say go red more often.

  2. Wow!! These pears are gorgeous - I may have to buy this when it goes up for sale. The colors are fabulous - the entire painting is!! Thank you for doing it, Nancy!

    Have a good time in La Jolla - you'll have lots to see and do down there on your own!

  3. cool how the stems are all off the top, and the pears are all just slightly posed different. loveyour work!!

  4. I really like the pink/red toned canvas peeking through.

  5. Nancy I love this one too! Glowing and great depth. I love the translucent quality you got with this one too.
    I am with Debbi, go red more often.
