Thursday, December 3, 2009

To Ireland and Back

Here we are on Grafton St., in Dublin, Ireland. The lower photo is of the National Gallery of Ireland, in Dublin. This is as close as I was able to get to taking photos inside the gallery, very few visitors, and security everywhere, along with signs warning against taking pictures. I felt the need to restrain myself. The gallery was fabulous, in spite of the ban on photos.
We arrived home very late last night, after a wonderful vacation. We visited many historical sights in Dublin, drove to Killkenny, and several small villages in the nearby area. We met many terrific people, and saw all kinds of beautiful, and interesting things. We took lots of photos. We are now exhausted, and very happy to be back home. Stay tuned for paintings to come, once I get over this jet lag.
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  1. Looks fabulous! I'm a quarter Irish and but have yet to get there. My "Smith" comes from Dubliin (and likely England before that.) Nice to have you back. Happy painting.

  2. I cannot WAIT for your 'take' on Ireland! Never been there myself, but it's on the 'list'. I'm so glad you guys had a good time - you two sure are photogenic!

    Oh, I'm half Irish! Tim's family came from Scotland, to Ireland, to Nova Scotia, to MA. The family THOUGHT they were Irish till they had their family tree done - turns out they're Scottish! :)

  3. You are just adorable. My Sheehan roots are in Limerick, I believe. Never been there, but it's on the (long) list!
    I also have Scottish MacDonalds (Kelley's husband I have to be distant cousins) and Irish Leonards, Barretts, Costellos and who knows what all mixed in!
