Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lessons from Laurel

The title of Laurel's workshop was, " Still Life Alla Prima". The translation of Alla Prima is "first time". The concept is to complete a painting in one sitting, or all at once. This is a valuable lesson for me, and something that I need to work on. Because of this, my new resolve is to complete a painting at once. This post is a small, 6X8, which I was able to complete fairly quickly. I did this as a warm up for a larger painting soon to follow. My goal is to complete a single larger paining in one session. I am excited about challenging myself. Stay tuned for more!
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  1. This is just gorgeous Nancy!! Can't wait to see the larger version. Love the colors and the dramatic composition. Still has your signature style! Miss you all!

  2. I love it Nancy. You have come such a long way in all your styles of art. Keep up the good work!

  3. You are the queen of composition, Nancy! I love this, and the idea of the little paintings completed all at once. Fantastic!

  4. Nancy,
    Great job with the ala prima. Love the strong composition.
