Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Green and Gorgeous Santa Fe

We spent the Memorial Day weekend in Santa Fe, NM. Thanks to lots of unusual snow and rainfall, everything was green, with flowers growing everywhere. The top photo shows the Acequia Madre, which means mother ditch. It is gushing with water, when normally it is very dry. Next, we can see Canyon Rd, and lots of pretty flowering window boxes. Lastly here I am , standing under a big green and shady tree. It was all wonderful, beautiful, and just the way the beginning of summer should be.
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  1. Love them all, but especially the photo of you!

  2. Terrific pictures, Nancy - you look wonderful!

  3. I want to go to SF! Beautiful photo of you, too! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looks so very refreshing!! Know you enjoyed it immensely. You look marvelous! :)
