Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back to Where I Left Off

I decided to go back to my last landscape and make some changes. Here is the revised version, which looks a lot like the first version. It's interesting, whenever a painting is finished, I can see things that I wish that I had done differently. The good thing about small paintings, is that it is so easy to just make another one, and that is exactly what I did. Ah, if only the rest of life were so easy!
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  1. Well, I like this one. I love the forms of the trees and the hardly-noticeable fence posts in the foreground. I hear you, sister, if we had a 'redo' button, I'd be pressing mine all the time!:)

  2. Very nice. You are taking the title "Art Adventures" literally I see. Painting your travels. What fun. That's what I do but would like to travel more. Keep the inspiration going!

  3. Great Painting Nancy, there are so many things I love about this. The purple trunks against the orange/yellow field, the interesting scene, the way you did the fence. Very Nice!

  4. Love the line of trees with the sky sculpting their shapes.

  5. This one is great and I like your idea of leaving it alone and moving on! Do another! Nice grouping of landscape paintings, by the way.
