Sunday, August 22, 2010

More From the Road

Once again, somewhere between Albuquerque, and Santa Fe. I love this this drive. It takes a little more than an hour to go from the the airport in Albuquerque, to Santa Fe. It is wonderful to see the wide open space, and the huge sky. It is peaceful, and calming, compared to the high energy, hustle and bustle of the San Francisco bay area. An immediate feeling of serenity takes over, somewhere along the highway. I think it has to do with going from the most populated state, California, to the least populated, New Mexico. It's all good, both the hustle and bustle, and the peacefulness. What makes it all the more wonderful is the contrast, the best of both worlds!
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  1. You most certainly do have the best of both worlds!! And love this one too - the rich, deep purple mountains and the golden hills are wonderfully complimentary. I love that drive too. Can't wait to see the series all together in your floating frames. I'll have to read more on your blog again about where you found those.

  2. I have to agree with you, Nancy. I love your On the road paintings. Knowing you, the trip to Santa Fe must have that calming effect on you. Such a hustle and bustle in the Bay Area. I have that same effect coming home to Mississippi.
    Love that feeling
