Thursday, December 16, 2010

We're Very Close

It seems like these little tangerines, with stems, and leaves are everywhere. They are so pretty. I love the colors, and shapes, and just had to paint them. There are a million other things that I should be doing, but couldn't resist. Here's to everyone, including me, getting everything done! Happy holidays to all!
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  1. Glad you took the time in the midst of it all to create!

  2. Love the strong shapes and colors. And, my we get done what we get done.

  3. Glad you took the time in the midst of it all to create!

  4. There's something quite special about this one. Love the light colors and the subtle shadows and the angular shapes!!! Very nice. Happy holidays!! xoxo

  5. I too love the shapes. It is a wonderful distraction to get into the paint instead of the Christmas shopping! I might just follow your lead. Wonderful job Nancy!

  6. Really beautiful! I love the abstract quality of this painting.

  7. Oh... I LOVE the colors! You're so good at that! So strong... And here's to YOU who may get everything done... the outlook's not so good for me!

  8. I really love the graphic sense and composition you put into your work.

  9. Slam bangin' color here.
    The 'babies' traveled well to Florida and are settling in.
    Kisses to you and the hubby and the lovely and sweet Claudia.
