Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More from Tim Horn's Work Shop

These two paintings were done in Tim's workshop. The bottom painting shows an exercise that was done from a photo showing dark and light value patterns. The top painting was done from my own photo, again, emphasizing dark and light value patterns. The ideas covered in the class are explained in the Kevin MacPherson's book, " Fill Your Paintings with Light and Color". Covering these concepts in Tim's discussions, along with his great demos, and individual help, really made a huge difference!
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  1. Well, they may have been 'exercises', but they're awesome paintings anyway! My favorite - the sheep. I love sheep and you've captured their 'lambiness'!

  2. Great strong value and colors. Hope you do more while it's all fresh in your mind! I contacted the woman at the B &B in San Miguel about his workshop. It's been canceled for this year. Will be on for next year in Jan or March. Cost is 1200. for workshop and lodging w/ breakfast. If a spouse comes along, it's and additional 500. Maybe next year!?

  3. I stumbled upon your blog while searching for floater frames. I then found myself going through all of your work. You are very talented.. thanks for inspiring me!

    Rebecca E.
    Rexburg, ID

  4. I really enjoyed reading about your workshop and seeing the photos. Your two demo painting are really great. Love the values, especially the sheep.

  5. I really like the top one. You may have been focusing on value, but for me, it has a particular color charm.

  6. It would certainly help if I could practice this more. Thanks for sharing
