Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baltimore, New York City, and the Famous Artist, Kelley MacDonald

We just arrived home from a week in Baltimore and New York City. While in Baltimore, I visited the American Visionary Art Museum. This museum is a one of a kind wonder! The top photo shows the out side of the museum , covered in a mosaic of mirrors. Parked in the front entry, is an old bus covered with an assemblage all sorts of old found objects. The total effect of the architecture, and the bus, alone, make a dramatic impression, well worth a visit. Inside the current exhibit is titled, "What Makes us Smile", also very entertaining. All of the work in the museum is done by outsider artists, from all over the world.

A few days before leaving for our trip, I emailed Kelley MacDonald, saying that we would be in NYC soon. It just so happened that she and, her husband , Tim, would be in leaving NYC, as were arriving. We had the good fortune to meet for a glass of wine at Penn. Station. Kelley, is a very talented artist and blogger, that I met in Carol Marine's class in 2008. She and Tim, are wonderful people, and made our trip to NYC all the more special. Please take a look at Kelley gorgeous work on her blog.

We loved NYC! Being California natives, we have not had too many chances to visit this exciting city. We can hardly wait to go back. We stayed at the historic Algonquin Hotel, ate at wonderful restaurants, saw the Edward Hopper exhibit at the Whitney Museum. Of course, no pictures allowed. Since it was pouring rain, I did not even get a photo of the outside of the museum. Oh well, we loved the Edward Hopper exhibit. So amazing to see work in real life, that you have only seen in photographs. With hundreds of galleries and museums, we only wish that we could have stayed longer. Ah, so much art, so little time!
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  1. It was so wonderful to see you and Brian - however briefly - in NYC! I wish I'd gone to the Hopper exhibit, too! I am hearing no end to Tim's "I told you so" about the Algonquin! Glad you had a good, inspirational time!

  2. (Hi, Kelley!)

    P.S. Nancy, will you add me to your blogroll, pretty please?

  3. What a fabulous trip!!! I love art trips and NYC. And you got to see Kelley!! How wonderful. So nice to see pics of your adventures. Sometime this year I will be able to travel. starting to look at a few different ideas. what fun!

  4. Oh I WISH I'd been there!!! So glad you enjoyed the visit.
