Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer! With the beginning of summer, comes wonderful fresh produce, and farmer's markets everywhere! After being away so much, I wanted to paint something quick and easy, so here we are, strawberries, fresh from the farmer's market. Happy Memorial Day to everyone!

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  1. How colorful, bright and cheery! And summery too. Love your bold use of color and the striking contrast in values. Happy Memorial Day to you too. It's over - off to bed! xoxo
    ps Las Vegas sounds lovely too - love the Bellagio.

  2. Love strawberries..both these and to eat!

  3. I love the simplicity of forms and the richness of the colors! It makes a very interesting contrast.

  4. Love the patterns you compose. Great edges, too.

  5. Oh Nancy..What fun checking out your latest paintings. You have got something that going really inpires me..I love your soft,peaceful expression. You make the work look easy...but I know it isn't. Love the simplicity and quiet feeling. I come out to Mill Valley often..maybe we could paint sometime

  6. These are beautiful, they look alive,
    like luscious fruit that could move.

    Take care,

