Friday, October 7, 2011

October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The past few weeks I have not been MIA, instead I have joined the 1 out of 8 women affected by breast cancer. Thanks to wonderful doctors, and very early detection, I am extremely lucky. For me, breast cancer has been an adventure like no other, and the journey continues.
This adventure began last month with a simple mammogram. I was told that there were no visible problems on the mammogram. The radiologist went on to say that actually nothing at all could be seen on this mammogram, or any prior ones, because of my very dense breast tissue. He told me to look at the website, Are you Dense, and schedule an ultrasound.
I had no idea what he was talking about. After looking at the, Are you Dense website, I was shocked to find out that women with dense breast tissue are 5 times more likely to get breast cancer. I had never heard of this before. Dr Fish, my radiologist, saved my life!
I have since had surgery, and am now looking forward to getting back to living my life.
I urge all women to visit the website, and learn more. During your next mammogram, ask if you have dense breast tissue, and if so, request an ultrasound.
In some states, such as Conn, and Texas, doctors are required to inform women if they have dense breasts. In other states, such as California, where I live, there is no requirement. Currently there is legislation sitting on our state governor's desk awaiting his signature, making it mandatory for doctors to inform women of this important life saving fact. Let us hope that that Governor Jerry Brown signs this important bill, SB791, by the deadline, Oct 9th. Many lives can be saved!

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  1. I'm sorry about your diagnosis, but elated that it was caught early and prognosis sounds good. Our family is still adjusting to our daughter-in-law's diagnosis in June. To read about her journey check out Caring Bridge, Heather Popple. She and my son, Jeff, have maintained positive attitudes with courage, dignity and humor. So proud of them for tackling this "new normal." Breast cancer patients have benefited from enormous strides in research the last few years. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as your journey continues!

  2. P.S. Love your drawing and look forward to seeing more art! The best therapy there is!! :-)

  3. Oh, Nancy - I am so sorry to hear this, but am relieved that you found out quickly! It must have been shocking for you to hear that diagnosis. I hope that the surgery wasn't radical, but only to remove the tumor and that your recovery is swift and complete. Please keep me posted and feel free to call me if you ever want to talk....

    Take good care of you!!

    Love, xoxo


    PS - Mail to your email address is bouncing back as undeliverable - I tried twice with the same result.

  4. just in case the last message didn't go thru, wanted you to know I am storming heaven.

  5. Nancy..Thanks for sharing this with all of us...we mostly are a group of women and this makes us a tighter group sending love and support to one another. Looking forward to seeing your next painting..when you are ready..lots of healing vibes to you

  6. {{{{Nancy}}}}***
    biggest hugs and breathing a sigh of relief that you've caught this early and things look good. But what a shock.
    Sending love and prayers and healing energy. XOXO

  7. Nancy, you will find a treasure trove of loving support via our blogs! I am sending you healing thoughts, and prayers, and hope. I hate thinking that you had to go though this. And am very grateful that it was early - and that you are SUCH a generous person that you share the whole 'dense' advice! I think I'm dense, I mean I have heard that word before at the dr's office. So I will definitely inquire about the alternate screening!

  8. Thank you for sharing Nancy - I had never heard of the dense breast tissue issue before. Good luck in your healing journey.

  9. I am sorry to hear this Nancy, but glad it was found quickly. I will touch base soon.

  10. Nancy, what an amazing post! I'm so glad you've come out of this very scary experience with good news and good advice.

  11. Nancy, I'm sorry that you are having to go through this experience, but grateful that you shared the information through your blog. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and excellent follow ups.
