Sunday, October 28, 2012

On the Way to the Mountains

Another California road trip landscape, painted from a photo, taken from the passenger seat this summer
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Claudia Update

Here is the  faithful, and ever lovely, Claudia, hiding in some stacked art, in my studio. She thinks she is incognito, but I know where to find her.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Red Top

This was painted from a photo taken on hot summer day. Still having fun!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Trails

Still working with the ideas from Sandy Ostrau's WS.  Some of these ideas include, simplification, using large shapes, combining palette knife with  brush strokes, and painting in layers over several days. Stay tuned for more to come!
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Something Different

This was done using some of  the ideas from Sandy Ostrau's workshop. It's so much fun experimenting, and trying new ways to paint. 
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Painting with Sandy Ostrau

Last week I spent two days in a painting workshop with Sandy Ostrau.  I have admired Sandy's beautiful work for a long time.  I was so excited to hear that she was giving her first workshop right here in Berkeley, close to where I live. Her workshop was fantastic, and she is a great instructor!  I have been experimenting with her ideas, and have been so inspired!
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

One More

Last week, with Carol Marine, we worked with painting glass, painting white, painting reflections, and more. So great to focus on painting just those areas for one day each. Carol is just a terrific instructor!
Here is one more painting from that workshop.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Lots of Berries

Carol kept us all very busy, and more busy. She is just relentless, a non-stop painter, and an expert teacher, and artist. I learned so many things. I just don't know where to begin. Here is one of the several paintings that came out of this workshop.
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Having Fun with Carol Marine, in Santa Fe

Just back home from five days with Carol Marine, and all of the fabulous, and talented artist/friend attendees. Here are some photos of  Carol painting, and a few of  us from our opening reception  at our house in Santa Fe! Carol's work shop was wonderful, and spending time with all of the fantastic atists/ friends was the best. I only wish  that I had more photos to share! More can be seen on Carol's blog! A great time was had by all!
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