Monday, October 8, 2012

Having Fun with Carol Marine, in Santa Fe

Just back home from five days with Carol Marine, and all of the fabulous, and talented artist/friend attendees. Here are some photos of  Carol painting, and a few of  us from our opening reception  at our house in Santa Fe! Carol's work shop was wonderful, and spending time with all of the fantastic atists/ friends was the best. I only wish  that I had more photos to share! More can be seen on Carol's blog! A great time was had by all!
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  1. Thanks again Nancy for organizing everything and opening your home to us crazy artists. Looking forward to seeing your new creations.

  2. What a great looking bunch of women!! And it was a great workshop!!

  3. Wow you got some great pics!! Had such a marvelous time and so appreciate all you did to get us together in this awesome space - Santa Fe and the Immaculate Heart retreat center. Miss you all already!
