Friday, November 30, 2012

Leaving Puerto Rico

Earlier this year, we spent a few days in Puerto Rico before leaving on a cruise.  This painting was based on a photo taken from the ship as we left San Juan.  The weather on that day, was beautiful, warm, clear,and sunny skies!
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Six Trees and More

This is a larger, 12 X 12 painting, on a wood panel. Still having fun experimenting with color, brushes, and the palette knife.
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Monday, November 19, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Valley Art Holiday Open House

Valley Art Gallery is holding it's annual holiday open house this Saturday, 11 to 5. Please come by for holiday cheer! This little, 4 X 4 landscape, was donated to help raise funds for the arts education in the public schools. Donating funds to art education is something  that Valley Art does every year year, as a part of the holiday celebration. Best wishes for lots of success for this important cause!
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Lafayette Gallery Holiday Exhibit

Sunday,  this 12 X 12 landscape, painted on a board,  was framed and delivered to the Lafayette Gallery for the holiday exhibit.  Still painting, and having fun!
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

On the Way to the Mountains

Another California road trip landscape, painted from a photo, taken from the passenger seat this summer
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Claudia Update

Here is the  faithful, and ever lovely, Claudia, hiding in some stacked art, in my studio. She thinks she is incognito, but I know where to find her.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Red Top

This was painted from a photo taken on hot summer day. Still having fun!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Trails

Still working with the ideas from Sandy Ostrau's WS.  Some of these ideas include, simplification, using large shapes, combining palette knife with  brush strokes, and painting in layers over several days. Stay tuned for more to come!
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Something Different

This was done using some of  the ideas from Sandy Ostrau's workshop. It's so much fun experimenting, and trying new ways to paint. 
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Painting with Sandy Ostrau

Last week I spent two days in a painting workshop with Sandy Ostrau.  I have admired Sandy's beautiful work for a long time.  I was so excited to hear that she was giving her first workshop right here in Berkeley, close to where I live. Her workshop was fantastic, and she is a great instructor!  I have been experimenting with her ideas, and have been so inspired!
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

One More

Last week, with Carol Marine, we worked with painting glass, painting white, painting reflections, and more. So great to focus on painting just those areas for one day each. Carol is just a terrific instructor!
Here is one more painting from that workshop.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Lots of Berries

Carol kept us all very busy, and more busy. She is just relentless, a non-stop painter, and an expert teacher, and artist. I learned so many things. I just don't know where to begin. Here is one of the several paintings that came out of this workshop.
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Having Fun with Carol Marine, in Santa Fe

Just back home from five days with Carol Marine, and all of the fabulous, and talented artist/friend attendees. Here are some photos of  Carol painting, and a few of  us from our opening reception  at our house in Santa Fe! Carol's work shop was wonderful, and spending time with all of the fantastic atists/ friends was the best. I only wish  that I had more photos to share! More can be seen on Carol's blog! A great time was had by all!
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Good Bye Summer, Hello Fall

This painting was part of my "painting larger"  effort that took place this summer. It is 20" X  24", and based on an earlier small painting. Today I dropped it off at Valley Art Gallery , in Walnut Creek. 
After not painting for awhile, I'm so looking forward to painting again!
Can hardly wait!
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Steal Like an Artist

This has been such a busy summer, it's hard to believe that fall is now here.  A lot has been happening
Posted by Picasato keep me away from painting, including taking time to read, which I love doing.  Steal Like an Artist, by Austin Kleon, is one of the books that I especially enjoyed!  So inspirational, and full of great ideas.  Hoping that you may enjoy it too!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forging Ahead

Still moving on, using previous small paintings as a reference to painting larger. This one is only 12 X 12, but still larger that my usual 6 X 6, and 6 X 6's. I'm enjoying the challenge!
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Still Working Larger

Still working larger. I've been using my smaller paintings as reference material to create bigger pieces.  This is actually a 12' X12', that is made up of 4, 6' X 6' little paintings. The original is taken from an exercise originally shown on Carol Marine's blog.
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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Working Larger

I have been pushing myself to paint larger,which has kept me very busy these last few weeks. This painting was done on unstretched canvas, the final size, yet to be determined. I have been using my earlier small pieces as a reference. This has been an adventure!  Painting larger brings in a whole new series of challenges.  It is fun to get out of the comfort zone!
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

More New Ideas from Karin

Karin Jurick's workshop was a great opportunity to try her painting methods, which include painting on a black ground, and using lots and lots of colors. I loved both of those ideas,especially the one about using lots of colors, so much easier than mixing colors, time saving, and lots more fun. This was a fun painting, using colors from the tube, and showing the interior of the beautiful building where we painted.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Ideas

Yesterday, I pointed out that taking a workshop is a great way to try new ideas. This little portrait was done from a mug shot, as an exercise, in Karen's class. It was lots of fun to paint, and again, something that I would have never tried on my own.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Last Week with Karin

Last week I spent five days in a workshop, taught by Karin Jurick. She is a very inspiring artist,with lots of great ideas. One of the best things about taking a workshop is expanding your horizons. A workshop really forces you to try new things. This subject matter, is something that I would never had considered, but had lots of fun with. More to come.

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Friday, April 6, 2012

The Sunshine Vitamin

Still having fun with the oranges! Working larger, and enjoying the expanse of canvas, a whole new feeling of more spaciouness, and lightness!

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

More Vitamin C

I am enjoying these oranges, more than words can say! Having fun working a little larger.

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