Sunday, January 27, 2013

Debbi, From Austin, Visits the Bay Area

Debbi Smith Rourke, the talented artist, and blogger, was recently here in CA, to take the Sandy Ostrau work shop, with me. It was great to spend time with Deb, and her husband, Jim.  Please be sure to see Deb's beautiful work on her blog!
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  1. Thank you so much, Nancy! First time to be the subject of someone else's art blog. Our time in the Bay Area was so special. Busy and fun. Loved taking Sandy's workshop with you, seeing your home, going to the Allison McGrady's gallery in Orinda and your gallery in Lafayette. We packed a lot of fun in two days. xoxo

  2. Oh, I love to see a photo of my online friends. Blogging has opened doors in a way I never thought about when I started .
    Hi Debbie:::wavin'::::::::
