Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween and Friday's Class

Here we are, it's Halloween, and we're in between trick or treaters. That means it's time to post my efforts from Friday's class. By the way, this photo is not blurry, this is the way the painting actually looks. Our lesson on Friday was about painting reflections on water. The main idea is that the clarity of the reflection is based on the stillness of the water. The smoother the water, the more mirror like the reflection. The choppier the water, the more uneven the reflection. Also, the closer the object is to the water, the larger it appears in the reflection. In the above example the tree would appear much larger than the distant hills. Anyway, this is just a start, the initial drawing, with the lights, and darks, blocked in. It needs more work. So far, I have started five small paintings in various stages of needing more work, and our critique is next Friday. I have to get busy! Yikes!
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  1. Gosh it's not done yet but it looks good this way, can't wait to see if finished

  2. This is a great beginning! The value is great, the composition is really good. My eye goes right up the shoreline to the bit of red, then jumps up to the dark and back to the tree...dancing around the piece.

  3. BEAUTIFUL just as it is. How exciting for you to start this new venture into landscapes. Thanks for all the reminders about water reflections. Look forward to seeing more.

  4. Wow this piece hit home. We have a park that I walk at everyday. The water was so beautiful this morning. Fog very heavy and slowly lifting. I studied that water comparing what was close to me and how it looked in the distance. Your piece is really beautiful and inspires me so! Thank for that!

  5. It already looks good! Thanks for your visit and comment - have a great weekend.

  6. Not for a minute did I think this photo was BLURRY! Oh, it is breathtaking, Nancy. You do 'loose' beautifully - I struggle so! Love your observations on the water, too, so true. Hey, I wouldn't do too too much to this... it's great.
