Friday, October 30, 2009

Nevada Museum of Art

We just returned from a short trip to to the Sierras, and Reno, NV. We visited parents, and Brian attended a meeting in Reno. While Brian was in his meeting, I visited the Nevada Museum of Art. They had a wonderful exhibit of California landscapes. I loved the beautiful composition of this painting of cattle, by Maynard Dixon. This one photograph was discreetly taken, before being reprimanded by the guard. My excuse, was that I had I turned off the flash. Alas, they didn't care. I was was firmly told, no photography of any kind. Oh well, I tried.

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  1. Shame, Nancy - I thought your delinquency days were over!! Hahaha!

    I've seen some of Dixon's Native American work and liked it very much.

  2. Love this example - but particularly like what you did on Sept 29th - the landscape painting - nice color sense, appealing composition.

  3. I love how you share moments from museums. I'm familiar w/ Dixon's paintings w/ lots of sky, clouds, and a little bit of land. This one is so different, at least to me. I love it.

  4. haha Nancy the very same thing happened to me when I was photographing something by Frida Kahlo--worse yet some sort of "chime" chimed every time I took a photo. So, I was admonished in front of everyone. When she strode away I took one more photo. "chime". lol. Couldn't help it.

    I love your work. I am a fan of the graphic style.

  5. Oh I am so glad you caught this one you renegade you! Now I must study look up Dixon.
