Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just One More

At the risk of being very redundant, I'm posting one more sliced grapefruit painting. This is the last in this little series, that was so much fun to paint. If anyone is interested, I forgot to mention, Friday is the last day for shipping Texas Rio Red grapefruit, at Rio Pride Orchard in Texas. The grapefruit season is coming to an end, so now is the time!
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  1. Thank you for that gentle reminder! Life gets hectic, but I WANT that grapefruit. I love how you work in series like this. I should do more of that. These are just great. They make me hungry!

  2. I love your grapefruit series and could see you going on with it. They're delicious

  3. Love the red green harmony, here Nancy and redundancy doesn't apply to art blogs :D

  4. nancy,
    the technique you use is wonderful...
    went through the entire blog...
    you are a wonderful atist...
