Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Still More, Texas Rio Star

As you can see, I really enjoyed painting these grapefruit slices. The dark reddish pink color is so inspiring! After reading Delphyne's comments from yesterday, I learned a lot about red grapefruit. More than I ever imagined. These paintings were actually done during last week's trip to Santa Fe, where I found the grapefruit, at a local grocery. I have since learned, from our San Ramon, Whole Foods, produce manager, that Texas Rio Star grapefruit are not available here, in CA. The grapefruit, sold in CA, comes from the CA Central Valley. The end result of all of this, I went online, and ordered, direct from Rio Pride Orchard of Texas, a dozen Rio Red grapefruit!
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  1. Love the green background. Really makes the ruby red color pop. We Texans are proud of our produce - thanks for ordering!!!

  2. Love this whole series. I read Delphyne's info. Wow! So much to learn; so many paintings to paint!

  3. Nancy - I'm glad you enjoyed the Wiki blurb about these. Have you seen the Indian Blood peaches? They're pretty amazing, too - I had some at the WC Farmer's Market years ago. The flesh was quite red. Might be something that would appeal to your artist Muse! xoxo ~Kathy

  4. I love this series too. Inspirations for art and food! What more could one ask for. I am heading out to the produce market!

  5. I love this series, but this one's my favorite. Dynamic comp. plus a fun medley of colors!
