Monday, July 18, 2011

From the Desert, to the Ocean

This is the last one from my little series of Carmel. Now, looking forward to working on something new, not involving, the desert or ocean! Can hardly wait!
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  1. I love the simplicity of this and the ones before. And the color choices. Just wonderful.

  2. nancy this is my favorite!
    this composition, perfect
    color, perfect
    can't wait to see what's next!

  3. Wow!!! So bold and colorful. Love the composition and feeling that your are peeking at a lovely scene through the trees. Has that graphic Nancy style too!

  4. Great choices on your color choices and what a great perspective you chose.

  5. Love it! You have a wonderful way of simplifying the shapes. Such a wonderful piece. I think I can feel the breeze coming through those trees too!

  6. Really nice..I agree with Nancy...simple, good colors and interesting composition

  7. I like your "harsh" style. Maybe Wu Xing style of painting will be interesting for you, have a look at my blog to learn more about it) Thanks!
