Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The New Exhibit

The newest exhibit, opening Thursday, at the Lafayette Gallery, is "What Makes Us Smile". I submitted the small pieces that I did of Carmel. Today we are hanging the show, and finishing up tomorrow. Please come by starting on Thursday, July 29, to see our newest exhibit. Guaranteed to make you smile!
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  1. Oh, my GOSH! How I would LOVE to come! Your paintings show such cohesiveness - and are so beautiful! Good luck!

  2. Beautiful! Love the series. Wish I could be there!! Or better yet, meeting you in Carmel. Have a wonderful show.

  3. So glad these pieces will be seen by some people, they are so wonderful it would be a shame not to share. Good luck and have fun!

  4. Oh Nancy... This looks great and I love the name of the show..wish I could come!
