Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Having Fun at The Studio Gallery

Sunday's reception at The Studio Gallery, was a great success, with lots of beautiful art, going home with lots of happy customers!  The good news, the exhibit continues until Dec 22nd!  Even more good  news, the Studio Gallery, will be celebrating their 11th anniversary on Dec. 7th, 1 to 6pm.
Hope to see you there!


martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,
Toutes mes sincères félicitations... Je me réjouis pour vous. Je vous souhaite un vif succès et de belles rencontres.

Gros bisous

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

So thrilled for and proud of you! Hopefully ALL your pieces will go home with adoring fans!

Pam Holnback said...

Congratulations! Looks like a great gallery! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Brian.

Debbi Smith Rourke said...

What a wonderful photo! I'm so thrilled for you! Go Nancy, go!! I second Pam - Happy Thanksgiving to you and Brian.

Amy Hillenbrand said...

Nancy that is so good. You're such a talent, no surpise there.

Jeanette Crawford Baird said...

And you do look like you are having fun in this next phase of your amazing art journey! You go girl!